水晶小舖討論版 http://www.crystalsellers.net

Baked Citrine焗黃晶(附圖)
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發表人:  Admin [ 週日 8月 20, 2006 12:04 am ]
文章主題 :  Baked Citrine焗黃晶(附圖)

There is so much Amethyst in Brazil that they needed to come up with additional marketing tools to help sell the B grade material. One day someone figured out that if you take an Amethyst cluster and stick it in a kiln to bake, it will turn a reddish/orange color. It is common to see these clusters and geodes available for sale in gift shops and online the world over. But be aware, these are not true Citrine crystals. True Citrine is mostly a lemon color, very light in appearance. Even the most richly colored Citrine crystals are not anywhere near the color of these baked Amethyst clusters. Our advice...stay away from any dealers that A) Don't know this and B) Don't option to share this information with you.


在巴西有很多B級紫晶(差質素)需要以額外的市場手法去推售(差貨無人要).有一日,有位人兄發現將紫晶洞焗一焗佢, 竟然熟左~ 變左橙黃色喎~ 在世界各地的商店中, 這些焗焗晶洞及晶塊極之常見. 但請注意, 這不是真正的黃晶啊~ 真正的黃晶是像檸檬色的, 外觀上是非常淺色的. 就算最最最深色的, 亦不似焗焗紫晶塊那種黃色. 我們的建議是...(係果個網頁既建議) 遠離一些 A) 不知道這個事實的 及 B) 不願意告訴你這些資料 的賣家. (完)

焗焗紫晶玉照, 變了"黃晶"啦XDD


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